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Support for ambulance mental health service

Your Home Lottery ticket has helped improve the crisis support available to people with mental health emergencies – thank you!

The SA Ambulance Service’s (SAAS) Mental Health Paramedic Telehealth Clinicians program was originally trialled thanks to funding support from The Hospital Research Foundation Group.

After the successful trial, SAAS has confirmed it will now be an ongoing service.

This important service is delivered to Triple Zero callers by paramedics with mental health experience, who provide mental health assessments over the phone and coordinate access to appropriate care and support.

And in other good news, this service will soon be available around the clock and SAAS has commenced training additional staff to expand the team.

“It’s a valuable service that is helping to deliver better outcomes for people experiencing a mental health crisis by streamlining their access to appropriate care and helping them avoid hospital emergency departments,” said SAAS Executive Director of Critical Operational Services, Kate Clarke.

“We are very grateful to The Hospital Research Foundation Group and their donors for supporting this trial and helping us improve care for the community.”

The pilot showed: